Life is full of beginnings.

baby plant in a pot
Photo by Manuel Sardo on Unsplash

Posted: October 15th 2020

I’ve gone back to college. My appetite to learn has risen again. This particular college is Coder Academy, and the course is a bootcamp.



hand written note

Posted: October 22 2020

Sitting with my head in my hands, my stomach had sunk and the blood had drained from my face.

My heart throbbed and I felt sick. Hours. Hours of work.


Virtual Disarray

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Posted: October 29 2020

Do you have a tidy house, or apartment? Is your study desk littered with dirty dishes, empty cans and pieces of paper?

It’s nice to be house proud, and good for the mind to have a clean environment in which to live or work in.


Reaching a Social Milestone

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Posted: October 23 2020

It’s been a long time since I blogged regularly (and when I say “regularly” I mean maybe 10 times before I became distracted with something else ;)).


Tools of Early (Developing) Man

Posted: Novermber 12 2020

Continuing in the vein of 'old' blog posts, here's another one posted back in September 2010.

10 years ago, as a web designer, there were certain new tools that aided greatly with the process. Now we see that some of these tools are intrinsic in the process, yet some are completely redundant.